Track: Containers (in production)


Day of week:

Containers in Production - Observe, Enhance and Control

This track will feature people who are solving the problems of how to run containers at scale. We will discuss the approaches they are using for observing, diagnosing and debugging the unique production issues that containers at massive scale bring.

  • How do we observe containers at scale, and with a business context
  • Feedback and control loops, turning operational problems into application improvements
  • The role of CI with containers
Track Host:
Fintan Ryan
Industry Analyst @RedMonk
Fintan Ryan is an Industry Analyst at RedMonk, the first and only developer focused industry analyst firm. Fintan's research focuses on developer trends, across infrastructure software, programming environments and big data solutions. Prior to joining RedMonk Fintan held senior roles across management, development, services and strategy in both startups and enterprise technology vendors. He holds an MSc in Information Systems Strategy from Dublin City University. Fintan's research is posted at and you can find him on twitter @fintanr.
10:35am - 11:25am

by Luca Marturana
Software Engineer @Sysdig

Containers are revolutionizing the way we deploy and maintain our infrastructures: reducing development overhead, streamlining dev / test / ops, and enabling highly scalable, dynamic infrastructures. But containers still have a key problem: monitoring and troubleshooting them is impractical, painful, and sometimes plain impossible. Even basic things like understanding what is using CPU, memory, or disk bandwidth inside a container are difficult - let alone finding out who a container is...

11:50am - 12:40pm

by Matthias Luebken
‎Head of Product @GiantSwarm

Structuring and developing applications in a containerized world involves new challenges. Some best practices need to be adapted and new patterns evolve. In this talk Matthias Lübken will give an overview of typical patterns that he has seen in developing, deploying and operating applications that leverage containers.

He will start with defining best practices around a good modular container. He will than approach different...

1:40pm - 2:30pm

by Mitchell Hashimoto
Creator of Vagrant, Packer, Consul. CEO of Hashicorp

Operationally, many of the problems we're solving for containers have long been solved for VMs. However, these solutions don't quite fit the container model and require a new perspective and implementation. In this talk, we take a look at the theme of this track "Observe, Enhance, Control" and see how this related to VMs, what solution architectures worked there, and discuss why these architectures are no longer adequate in a containerized world.

We'll then look at how these same...

2:55pm - 3:45pm

by Richard Kasperowski
Author of The Core Protocols: A Guide to Greatness

Open Space
4:10pm - 5:00pm

by Anne Currie
Co-founder - scaling containers in real-time

We all believe that Docker will revolutionise deployment, but what about the architectural impact of containers? What do modern container schedulers mean for resilience, redundancy and server density? Are we entering an age of real-time operations? Is a second the new minute?

5:25pm - 6:15pm

by Justin Cormack
Developer @Docker

Automation, repeatability, reliability and testing are the basis of the ability to move fast in software. Over the years, we lost control and let our software environments turn into overweight pets, and then gradually replicated these into overweight cattle. The new focus on microservices and containers is sweeping this away, and we are focusing on total control over the development process, traceability of artefacts, and security in deployment. The natural outcome of this is that we will...


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Monday, 7 March

Tuesday, 8 March

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