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Simon Baker, Co-founder of the Energized Work Conspiracy
Simon is an enlightened renegade and incorrigible fun-monger whose resolute attitude to craftsmanship and quality, relentless focus on what's important and ability to create exciting working conditions is changing the way people produce software. Since 1992, following a degree in Electronic Engineering, he has been delivering software in the Internet, media, retail, financial services and banking sectors. With a perennially inquisitive nature he questions conventional
thinking, and with innate courage and acuity he’s developed an instinct
for doing the right thing and getting stuff done. He’s an altruist and
his raw energy and desire to work with inspirational people drive his passion
for achieving the remarkable.
Presentation: "Product Development in the Land of the Free"
Thursday 15:00 - 16:00
Henry Moore Room
Abstract: Creating and sustaining a 'system' for effective product development is neither easy nor commonplace. If we were to pull together the lessons we've learned from eXtreme Programming and Scrum with systems approaches such as Lean Thinking and the Theory of Constraints to build such a 'system' what would it look like? Where would we start? How would we organize ourselves? And what would be our approach?
The fact that so many information technology projects are still failing tells us that we should be doing something very different. This session will explore some of the things we've been doing beyond the agile comfort zone to improve the effectiveness and throughput of product development and realize business agility.
Keywords: Lean, agile, toc, systems thinking, process, organization, culture, business agility, product development
Target Audience: All who take part in software product development and delivery, business and technical people alike.