QCon is a practitioner-driven conference designed for technical team leads, architects, and project managers who influence software innovation in their teams.
Eva Andreasson, TweetPioneer of Deterministic Garbage Collection

Biography: Eva Andreasson
Eva Andreasson has been working with Java virtual machine technologies, SOA, Cloud, and other enterprise middleware solutions for the past 10 years. Joined the startup Appeal Virtual Machines in 2001, as a developer of the JRockit JVM, which later was acquired by BEA Systems. Eva has been awarded two patents on Garbage Collection heuristics and algorithms. She also pioneered Deterministic Garbage Collection which later became productized through JRockit Real Time. Eva has worked closely with Sun and Intel on many technical partnerships, as well as various integration projects of JRockit Product Group, WebLogic, and Coherence (post the Oracle acquisition in 2008). After two years as the product manager for Zing, the worlds most pauseless JVM, at Azul Systems, she joined Cloudera in 2012 to help drive the future of distributed data processing through Cloudera's Distribution of Hadoop. Recently launched Cloudera Search - a new real-time search workload natively integrated with the Hadoop stack - and drove the efforts that lead to 10x user uptake of Hue - the UI of the Hadoop ecosystem.
Twitter: @EvaAndreasson
Presentation: TweetGarbage Collection is Good!
Is Garbage Collection the source of all evil? Why do you have to care about compaction? This is a fairly entertaining and yet painful presentation around garbage collection – as it probably will end with more questions than answers. It will on a fairly high-level take you through a journey of garbage collection – the basics, the algorithms, the good, the bad, and the necessary ugly. It will to anyone curious about garbage collection leave you with a bad taste of “I knew it” or even worse “I need to fix this”. Take it from a previous GC innovator, there is no silver bullet…or is there? If you are easily addicted to impossible problems to solve, you should probably for safety stay away from this talk.
Unrelated to the topic of the talk, I will also rant a bit (if time allows) about what NOT to measure.
Presentation: TweetFinding the Needle in a Big Data Haystack
In this talk we share with you how search functionality natively integrated with the Hadoop ecosystem helps address one of the industry's biggest challenges. We introduce the emerging concept of a data hub, and describe some use cases helped by search available in the same platform as analytic workloads. This presentation includes a walk through of the technical integration we contributed to standard open source frameworks and components, such as Apache Solr and Apache Hadoop, to enable free text drill down capabilities over large or multi-type data sets.
This is a technical solution talk, aiming to inspire architects and business insightful engineers.
Presentation: TweetWhat can Hadoop do for you?
Everybody seems to be talking about Hadoop and Big Data these days. You probably had some introduction to the technology by now. What seems hard to find is information on what to do with it. What are the real problems in real companies that are commonly solved by Hadoop? What is the buzz and interest in this hard-to-pronounce technology ecosystem about? What can Hadoop do for you?
This talk will present typical categories of problems that are commonly solved using Hadoop and also some concrete examples in each category.
Attend this talk to get inspired by how others use Hadoop and get insights to why this scalable data processing and storage framework has gained such interest.