Actor Model
Presentations about Actor Model

High Performance Actors

Streaming Reactive Systems & Data Pipes w. squbs

Streaming Reactive Systems & Data Pipes w. squbs

Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures

Actor-Based Architectures AMA w/ Yaroslav Tkachenko, Kiki Carter & Jonas Boner

Actor-Based Architectures AMA w/ Yaroslav Tkachenko, Kiki Carter & Jonas Boner

Actor-Based Architectures AMA w/ Yaroslav Tkachenko, Kiki Carter & Jonas Boner
Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures
What is the focus of your work today?
I work on a large-scale data pipeline at Activision. We consume various telemetry information from Call of Duty games. Currently I'm mostly focused on ingestion and stream processing. Actually, stream processing is a pretty big area of interest for me recently and I'm trying to learn and absorb as much available information as possible. My background in event-driven systems really helps here.
What’s the motivation for this talk?
I'm constantly amazed how elegant event-driven systems can be: low coupling, expressive failure handling, location transparency... And still, we're so used to building synchronous request/response services. I think that ~90% of all inter-service communication can be made asynchronous. I'm excited to share my knowledge and convince people to try.