Presentations about Architecture

CFEngine Creator & Software Engineer Focused on Distributed Information Infrastructure
Mark Burgess
Microservices & Scaling of Rational Interactions

CTO @JustSocialApps
Susanne Kaiser
Microservices Lessons Learned From a Startup

Co-Founder @Honeycombio, formerly DevOps @ParseIT/@Facebook
Charity Majors
Observability and Emerging Infrastructures

CTO @Sportradar
Pablo Jensen
Best Practices Building Resilient Systems

Head of the Deployment Teams @Skyscanner
Stuart Davidson
10k Deploys a Day - the Skyscanner Journey So Far

CTO @Drivetribe
Aris Koliopoulos
Drivetribe: A Social Network on Streams

Backend engineer @Drivetribe
Hamish Dickson
Drivetribe: A Social Network on Streams

Co-founder @SnykSec, previously CTO @Akamai
Guy Podjarny
Securing Serverless – By Breaking In

Software Engineer, Author, & Samza and Avro Committer
Martin Kleppmann
CRDTs and the Quest for Distributed Consistency

Sr. Staff Engineer @UberATG
Matt Ranney
Inside a Self-Driving Uber

Distributed Systems PhD Candidate @CambridgeComputerLab
Heidi Howard
Consensus: Why Can't We All Just Agree?

Founder of, author of web3j
Conor Svensson
Architecting the Blockchain for Failure

Co-founder at UK Kubernetes Company Jetstack
Matthew Bates
Taming Distributed Stateful Pets With Kubernetes

Solutions Engineer @Jetstack
James Munnelly
Taming Distributed Stateful Pets With Kubernetes

SRE Manager @Poppulo
Pierre Vincent
How to Build Observable Distributed Systems

High Performance & Low Latency Specialist
Martin Thompson
Cluster Consensus: When Aeron Met Raft

Senior Developer at Space Ape Games
Yan Cui
The Present and Future of Serverless Observability

Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka
Jonas Bonér
How Events Are Reshaping Modern Systems

Principal Site Reliability Engineer @Gremlin
Tammy Butow
Chaos Engineering: Why the World Needs More Resilient Systems

Microservice, Cloud, CI/CD Thoughtleader
Sam Newman
Microservices Panel

Co-founder @SnykSec, previously CTO @Akamai
Guy Podjarny
Microservices Panel

CTO @JustSocialApps
Susanne Kaiser
Microservices Panel

Founder and CEO of & Creator of Squash
Idit Levine
Microservices Panel

CFEngine Creator & Software Engineer Focused on Distributed Information Infrastructure
Mark Burgess
Microservices Panel

Microservice, Cloud, CI/CD Thoughtleader
Sam Newman
Insecure Transit - Microservice Security

VP/CTO, Expedia Affiliate Network
Mariano Albera
Microservices: API Re-platforming @Expedia

SVP Engineering @HBC, Gilt & Committer Apache Karaf
Adrian Trenaman
Lambda Architectures: a Snapshot, a Stream, & a Bunch of Deltas

Head of Software Architecture @Ocado
Paul Sweetman
Logistics as a Service: Building the Ocado Smart Platform

Head of Robotics and Autonomous Systems @Ocado
Alex Harvey
Logistics as a Service: Building the Ocado Smart Platform

Sr Software Engineer @Demonware building Activision's Call of Duty
Yaroslav Tkachenko
Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures

Founder and CEO of & Creator of Squash
Idit Levine
Debugging Microservices Applications

PayPal Lead Data Architect, Risk and Compliance Management Platform
Mikhail Kourjanski
Real-Time Data Analysis and ML for FraudPrevention

Director, Data Science @Salesforce Einstein
Sarah Aerni
Models in Minutes not Months: AI as Microservices

VP Engineering & Co-Founder @CitusData
Sumedh Pathak
The Future of Distributed Databases Is Relational

Chief Architect @SkyBet
Michael Maibaum
Pragmatic Resiliency: Super 6 & Sky Bet Evolution

Co-founder and developer advocate @Camunda
Bernd Ruecker
3 Common Pitfalls in Microservice Integration

Head of Products @NGINX
Owen Garrett
How to Re-Architect Without Breaking Stuff

CEO @Skipjaq & Co-Founder of SpringSource
Rob Harrop
AMA w/ Rob Harrop

VP Engineering @WeWork
Randy Shoup
AMA w/ Randy Shoup

Independent Technical Consultant
Daniel Bryant
Testing Microservices: Contracts, Simulation and Observability

Independent Technical Consultant
Andrew Morgan
Testing Microservices: Contracts, Simulation and Observability

Microservice, Cloud, CI/CD Thoughtleader
Sam Newman
Designing Microservices with Sam Newman
Featured Interview
Securing Serverless – By Breaking In
How you you describe the persona and level of the target audience?
Mid-senior technical staff - notably in the dev, ops or security - who influence the quality, process or architecture of software being developed. This includes architects, senior developers, managers, and of course application security people.
What do you want “that” persona to walk away from your talk knowing that they might not have known 50 minutes before?
A good understanding of the risks presented by using a Serverless platform for your applications, how they differ from other ops paradigms, and how you can defend yourself from them.