
Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Location: Fleming, 3rd flr.

Day of week: Tuesday

The big names and bigger architectures... the hugely recognizable shops, including Facebook, Uber, Ocado, Expedia, Demonware (think Call of Duty), and Hudson Bay Company. These are their practices and proofs, look for topics like next-gen architecture mixed with applied use cases found in some of today's large-scale systems. Talks in the track range from:

  • Self-driving cars (from an engineer who moved from Microservices to autonomous vehicles)
  • Ocado discussing their use of GCP/AWS/on-prem
  • Lambda architectures used in online presences from Saks Fifth Avenue and Gilt
  • Discussion on pub-sub vs actor model in event-driven architectures including architectural aspects and lessons from Call of Duty
  • Reasons and lessons behind network routing software at Facebook

The talks in the Architectures You've Always Wondered About track represent a look inside some of the big challenges today at large-scale web properties and give us a glimpse of how they solve them.

Track Host:
Wes Reisz
Software/Technical Advisor C4Media & QCon Chair, previous Architect @HPE

Wesley Reisz is the QCon Chair && Community Advocate for London, San Francisco, and New York. Before joining C4Media, Wes spent 14 years with HP and was an Enterprise Systems Design Lead for HP Enterprise Systems. As an HP Solution Architect, Wes’ primary roles supported the US Army’s Human Resources Command (HRC), Army Recruiting Command, and Army Cadet Support Program based at Fort Knox, Kentucky. At HRC, Wes was known for championing, building, and deploying open source portals for the US Army and helping Army recruiting prototype mobile applications. Additionally, Wes is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Louisville where he teaches a variety of 400-level courses including Web Architecture and Mobile Application Development.

10:35am - 11:25am

by Matt Ranney
Sr. Staff Engineer @UberATG

Over the course of three years, Uber’s self-driving vehicles have driven over 2 million miles and have completed over 50,000 passenger trips in Pittsburgh and Phoenix. Many of you might be curious as to how we built a fleet of self-driving vehicles capable of driving autonomously in varying terrains and conditions. In this talk, Matt will break down the software components that come together to make a self-driving Uber drive itself. You’ll also learn about how we...

11:50am - 12:40pm

by Paul Sweetman
Head of Software Architecture @Ocado

by Alex Harvey
Head of Robotics and Autonomous Systems @Ocado

Selling groceries online at a profit is considered by many to be the Holy Grail of retail. The Ocado Smart...

1:40pm - 2:30pm

by Adrian Trenaman
SVP Engineering @HBC, Gilt & Committer Apache Karaf

We all got so excited about breaking apart our monoliths and liberating our microservices. At HBC Tech, our work on luxury e-commerce experiences across, ...
2:55pm - 3:45pm

by Yaroslav Tkachenko
Sr Software Engineer @Demonware building Activision's Call of Duty

With more and more companies adopting microservices and service-oriented architectures, it becomes clear that the HTTP/RPC synchronous communication (while great) is not always the best option for every use case.
In this presentation, I discuss two approaches to an asynchronous event-based architecture. The first is a "classic" style protocol (Python services driven by callbacks with decorators communicating using a messaging layer) that we've been implementing at Demonware (Activision...

4:10pm - 5:00pm

5:25pm - 6:15pm

by Mariano Albera
VP/CTO, Expedia Affiliate Network

Expedia Affiliate Network is one of the business unit's that make up Expedia. Their APIs power the global travel industry and generate more than $5 billion a year in sales. They are currently in the process of rolling out a completely new API moving from an on-prem monolith to a cloud-based microservices architecture. The talk aims share learnings from the challenge of replatforming while running a global business with double digit growth year on year. It will also describe the design,...


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March