Presentation: Drivetribe: A Social Network on Streams

Track: Stream Processing in the Modern Age

Location: Whittle, 3rd flr.

Duration: 10:35am - 11:25am

Day of week: Monday

Level: Intermediate

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Drivetribe is the world's biggest motoring destination, as envisioned by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May. Built on top of the Event Sourcing/CQRS pattern, the Drivetribe platform uses Apache Kafka as its source of truth and Apache Flink as its processing backbone. This talk aims to elaborate on how common problems in social media, such as analysing user sessions, counting big numbers and making real time recommendations can be resolved with a healthy mix of stream processing and functional programming.

Speaker: Hamish Dickson

Backend engineer @Drivetribe

Hamish is a backend engineer at DriveTribe. He is interested in dependently typed languages and machine learning. His background is in theoretical physics.

Find Hamish Dickson at

Speaker: Aris Koliopoulos

CTO @Drivetribe

Aris is the CTO and backend engineer working on the Data platform at Drivetribe. He started off as a distributed systems researcher at the University of Manchester. The last few years he has designed and built distributed systems for various start-ups.

Find Aris Koliopoulos at


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

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