Presentations about Scale

Developer Advocate @IBM
Steve Poole
Java at Scale

CFEngine Creator & Software Engineer Focused on Distributed Information Infrastructure
Mark Burgess
Microservices & Scaling of Rational Interactions

CTO @Sportradar
Pablo Jensen
Best Practices Building Resilient Systems

Lead Architect @Qubit
Jibran Saithi
Lessons From a ~Yearly Re-Write of a Data Pipeline

Senior Developer @LShift
James Uther
Improving Life in Smaller, Heterogeneous Projects

Real-time Streaming Lead @Uber
Danny Yuan
Scaling Uber's Elasticsearch Clusters

Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka
Jonas Bonér
How Events Are Reshaping Modern Systems

Developer at; Open Source Contributor in DuckDuckGo, GitHub and Pandas
Sahil Dua
Tools to Put Deep Learning Models in Production

Principal Site Reliability Engineer @Gremlin
Tammy Butow
Chaos Engineering: Why the World Needs More Resilient Systems

Software Engineer @Weaveworks
Aaron Kirkbride
Monitoring Cloud Native applications with Prometheus

Principal MTS, Architect @PayPal
Akara Sucharitakul
Streaming Reactive Systems & Data Pipes w. squbs

Software Engineer @PayPal
Anil Gursel
Streaming Reactive Systems & Data Pipes w. squbs

Head of Software Architecture @Ocado
Paul Sweetman
Logistics as a Service: Building the Ocado Smart Platform

Head of Robotics and Autonomous Systems @Ocado
Alex Harvey
Logistics as a Service: Building the Ocado Smart Platform

Director, Data Science @Salesforce Einstein
Sarah Aerni
Models in Minutes not Months: AI as Microservices

Developer Advocate at Google Cloud and PMC Chair for Apache Groovy
Guillaume Laforge
Machine Intelligence at Google Scale

VP Engineering @GlobalSign
Vlad Galu
Building and Growing Sustainable Teams

Software Engineer @Samsara
Kavya Joshi
Applied Performance Theory

VP Engineering & Co-Founder @CitusData
Sumedh Pathak
The Future of Distributed Databases Is Relational

Chief Architect @SkyBet
Michael Maibaum
Pragmatic Resiliency: Super 6 & Sky Bet Evolution

Cloud Technology Consultant with an expertise in Serverless Computing
John Chapin
Serverless and Java in the Real World

Principal Solutions Architect @SAP
Vitaliy Rudnytskiy
Understanding Geospatial Processing
Featured Interview
Scaling Uber's Elasticsearch Clusters
How you you describe the persona and level of the target audience?
The target audience are software engineers or SREs who are interested in scaling out Elasticsearch for OLAP workload. The audience should have basic understanding of Elasticsearch and OLAP.
What do you want “that” persona to walk away from your talk knowing that they might not have known 50 minutes before?
The audience will know how to scale out Elsaticsearch as an efficient real-time OLAP system in three dimensions: data ingestion, query, and operations.