Esther Momcilovic
Software Engineer at Metaswitch Networks

After a past life as a PhD historian, Esther now works as a software engineer at Metaswitch, a leading cloud native communications software company. She works on Metaswitch’s mobile messaging technology, and has recently been focussing on containers, microservices, new languages like Rust, and slightly-less-new languages like C. In her spare time she enjoys coxing for her local rowing club, and running half marathons while thinking this would all go much faster if she was in a boat.

Find Esther Momcilovic at

Talk : From Rocks to Rust: Our C to Rust Paradigm Shift

Other talks from track Leading Edge Backend Languages

Head of Platforms, Product Integrations, Private Cloud and Partnerships @Zoom
Docker Engineer, Leads OCaml Labs Group, & Lecturer @Cambridge_Uni
Operations Director at OCaml Labs, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March