Speaker: Tom Akehurst

CTO and Co-Founder @WireMock, 20+ Years Building Enterprise Systems

Tom is a career software developer who’s spent over 20 years building enterprise systems, primarily as a backend Java/JVM developer but with dabblings in infrastructure/DevOps, web development and performance engineering. He’s spent more than half of that time thinking about how to develop and test networked services more productively and is the creator of the WireMock open source API mocking tool. Lately he’s also the CTO and co-founder of WireMock, Inc.

Find Tom Akehurst at:


Scaling API Independence: Mocking, Contract Testing & Observability in Large Microservices Environments

Microservices promise faster deployments and team autonomy. In reality, engineers are often blocked waiting for APIs, dealing with broken sandboxes, or wrangling test environments.

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Wednesday Apr 9 / 01:35PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Whittle (3rd Fl.)


APIs mocking test automation contract testing Microservices
