2025 Schedule

Monday, April 7th, 2025

07:15AM BST

Badge pick-up & Continental Breakfast on 3rd & 5th Fl.

09:00AM BST

Conference Introduction and Keynote:

A Thirteen Billion Year Old Photograph

Dr. Kenneth Harris - The Aerospace Corporation

10:10AM BST

Coffee Break

10:35AM BST

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

The Tech Powering the BBC's Olympic Coverage

Matthew Clark - BBC

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Engineering Productivity and Developer Experience

Productivity Is Messing Around and Having Fun

Holly Cummins - Red Hat

Trisha Gee - Gradle

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Performance and Sustainability in Practice: How to Make Software Greener

What I Wish I Knew When I Started with Green IT

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

Scaling to 100+ as a Director: Lessons From Growing Engineering Organizations

Thiago Ghisi - Nubank

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Health Tech

Lessons Learned From Shipping AI-Powered Healthcare Products

Clara Matos - Sword Health

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Interview Available
11:25AM BST

Coffee Break

11:45AM BST

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Developing Meta's Orion AR Glasses

Jinsong Yu - Meta

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Engineering Productivity and Developer Experience

Achieve Optimal Efficiency for your Developer Experience Teams

Fabien Deshayes - Monzo

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Performance and Sustainability in Practice: How to Make Software Greener

Building Better AI: Resource Efficiency and Responsible Development

Jade Abbott - Lelapa AI

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

Can You Have It All? Navigating Work-Life Balance in Tech Leadership

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Health Tech

In person only

Unconference: Health Tech

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available
12:35PM BST

Lunch & Lunch topic discussions (1st Fl.)
Women & Allies in Tech Lunch (Gielgud, 2nd Fl.) (Sign-up needed)

01:35PM BST

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

In person only

Unconference: Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available

Engineering Productivity and Developer Experience

Impact of AI in Developer Experience

Birgitta Böckeler - Thoughtworks

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Performance and Sustainability in Practice: How to Make Software Greener

Boosting Performance and Productivity with Local-First Development

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

Shine Bright as an IC: Growing Yourself As Your Company Grows

Suhail Patel - Monzo

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Health Tech

Remote Collaboration in Surgery

Windsor (5th Fl.)

02:25PM BST

Coffee Break

02:45PM BST

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Kraken's Serverless Architecture for Scale, Security, and Sustainability

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Engineering Productivity and Developer Experience

Continuous Delivery Is Not Possible Without Pair Programming: Lessons From SpareBank 1 and SINTEF in Norway

Asgaut Mjølne Söderbom - SpareBank 1 Utvikling

Ola Hast - SpareBank 1 Utvikling

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Performance and Sustainability in Practice: How to Make Software Greener

Beyond Uptime: What the 'Metric' Is Going On with Green Software?

Sarah Hsu - Goldman Sachs

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

No Video Available

The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

In person only

Unconference: The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available

Health Tech

Healthcare Reimagined Through Tech-Enabled Transformation

Leander Vanderbijl - Livi

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Sponsored Solution Track I

Beyond Code: Building a Personal Brand To Boost Your Career

Roland Meertens - Wayve

Steef-Jan Wiggers - Team Rockstars IT

03:35PM BST

Coffee Break

03:55PM BST

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Improving Efficiency with Vision-Assisted Package Retrieval

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Engineering Productivity and Developer Experience

Modern Tooling for the Modern Developer

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Performance and Sustainability in Practice: How to Make Software Greener

In person only

Unconference: Performance and Sustainability in Practice

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available

The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

Building Your Leadership Toolkit: Essential Skills for the Next Level

Sophie Weston - ClearBank

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Health Tech

The Truth About Developing an AI Software for Longevity

Windsor (5th Fl.)

04:45PM BST

Coffee Break

05:05PM BST

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

The Sound of Innovation: A Symphony of Features in Digital Audio Workstations

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Engineering Productivity and Developer Experience

In person only

Unconference: Engineering Productivity and Developer Experience

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available

Performance and Sustainability in Practice: How to Make Software Greener

The Efficiency Paradox and How to Save Yourself and the World

Holly Cummins - Red Hat

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

Leading High-Performing Teams in an AI-Driven World

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Health Tech

The Rise of Virtual Care: Telemedicine and Beyond

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Tuesday, April 8th, 2025

07:15AM BST

Continental Breakfast on 3rd & 5th Fl.

09:00AM BST

Conference Introduction and Keynote:

The Form of AI

10:10AM BST

Coffee Break

10:35AM BST

AI and ML for Software Engineers: Foundational Insights

Deploy MultiModal RAG Systems with vLLM

Stephen Batifol - Zilliz

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Interview Available

Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

Bringing Memory Safety to Complex Systems

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Building Distributed Event-Driven Architectures Across Multi-Cloud Boundaries

Teena Idnani - JP Morgan Chase

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Interview Available

Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

Supply Chain Security and the Real World: Lessons From Incidents

Adrian Mouat - Chainguard

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Building a Culture that Works

Identifying and Tracking Cultural Indicators in Your Startup

Crystal Hirschorn

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

11:25AM BST

Coffee Break

11:45AM BST

AI and ML for Software Engineers: Foundational Insights

How to Unlock Insights and Enable Discovery Within Petabytes of Autonomous Driving Data

Kyra Mozley - Wayve

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Interview Available

Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

New Approaches to Systems Programming for the Web

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Building Resilient Platforms: Insights from 20+ Years in Mission-Critical Infrastructure

Matthew Liste - American Express

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

Empower Your Developers: How Open Source Dependencies Risk Management Can Unlock Innovation

Celine Pypaert - Johnson Matthey

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Building a Culture that Works

Creating Impactful Teams Across Diverse Work Environments

Natan Žabkar Nordberg - Topi

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

12:35PM BST


01:35PM BST

AI and ML for Software Engineers: Foundational Insights

AI for Food Image Generation in Production: How & Why

Iaroslav Amerkhanov - Delivery Hero

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Interview Available

Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

The Universal Runtime for the Next Generation of Applications

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

In person only

Unconference: Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available

Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

Trust No One: Securing the Modern Software Supply Chain with Zero Trust

Emma Yuan Fang - EPAM Systems

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Building a Culture that Works

Redefining Culture Fit for a Modern Workplace

Alicia Collymore - Incident.io

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

02:25PM BST

Coffee Break & Lightning Talks (Abbey, 4th Fl.)

02:45PM BST

AI and ML for Software Engineers: Foundational Insights

Foundation Models for Recommenders: Challenges, Successes, and Lessons Learned

Moumita Bhattacharya - Netflix

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

Unlocking the Web's Potential with Memory-Safe Languages

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Multi-Cloud with Governance and Traceability Baked-In

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

Secure by Design: Building Security into Engineering Workflows and Teams

Stefania Chaplin - DevStefOps

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Interview Available

Building a Culture that Works

In person only

Unconference: Building a Culture that Works

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available
03:35PM BST

Coffee Break

03:55PM BST

AI and ML for Software Engineers: Foundational Insights

Building Embedding Models for Large-Scale Real-World Applications

Sahil Dua - Google

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

In person only

Unconference: Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

The Untamed Frontier of Multi-Cloud Networking

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

Securing AI Copilots: Strategies and Practices for Protecting Data

Andra Lezza - Sage UK Limited

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Building a Culture that Works

Navigating the Complexities of Engineering Organizations

Matthew Card - BBC

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

04:45PM BST

Coffee Break

05:05PM BST

AI and ML for Software Engineers: Foundational Insights

Lessons Learned From Building LinkedIn’s First Agent: Hiring Assistant

Karthik Ramgopal - LinkedIn

Daniel Hewlett - LinkedIn

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

Interview Available

Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

Performance Optimization with WASM and Native Code

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Things SaaS Builders Keep Getting Wrong

Jon Topper - The Scale Factory

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

In person only

Unconference: Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

Rutherford (4th Fl.)

No Video Available

Building a Culture that Works

The Ripple Effect: How Individual Actions Drive Culture Change

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Wednesday, April 9th, 2025

07:15AM BST

Continental Breakfast on 3rd & 5th Fl.

09:00AM BST

Conference Introduction and Keynote:

Advanced Message Queuing Politics

10:10AM BST

Coffee Break

10:35AM BST

Connecting Systems: APIs, Protocols, Observability

Timeouts, Retries and Idempotency In Distributed Systems

Sam Newman - Sam Newman and Associates Limited

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

The Tech of FinTech

Fighting Financial Crime with AI

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Modern Data Architectures

Reliable Data Flows and Scalable Platforms: Tackling Key Data Challenges

Matthias Niehoff - Codecentric AG

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

Interview Available

The Changing Face of Architectural Practice

Holistic Engineering: Organic Problem Solving for Complex Evolving Systems

Vanessa Formicola - Flo Health

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Emerging Trends in the Frontend and Mobile

So You’ve Decided To Do a Technical Migration

Sophie Koonin - Monzo

Windsor (5th Fl.)

11:25AM BST

Coffee Break & Lightning Talks (Abbey, 4th Fl.)

11:45AM BST

Connecting Systems: APIs, Protocols, Observability

Platforms for Secure API Connectivity With Architecture as Code

James Gough - Morgan Stanley

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

The Tech of FinTech

How to Build a Database Without a Server

Alex Seaton - Man Group - ArcticDB

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Modern Data Architectures

Achieving Precision in AI: Retrieving the Right Data Using AI Agents

Adi Polak - Confluent

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

The Changing Face of Architectural Practice

The Friction Fix: Building Collaborative Relationships Between Teams

Cat Morris - Syntasso

Diana Montalion - Mentrix Group

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Emerging Trends in the Frontend and Mobile

Building Immersive Frontend Experiences

Windsor (5th Fl.)

12:35PM BST


01:35PM BST

Connecting Systems: APIs, Protocols, Observability

gRPC, REST, and Beyond: Choosing the Right Protocol for Your Needs

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

The Tech of FinTech

Lessons Learned From Running a Shared Tech Infrastructure Across Two Diverse Business Units in the Financial Services Ecosystem

Ruslan Kharitonov - Citadel

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

No Video Available

Modern Data Architectures

Building a Global Scale Data Platform with Cloud-Native Tools

George Hantzaras - MongoDB

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

The Changing Face of Architectural Practice

Security and Architecture: To Betray One Is To Destroy Both

Shana Dacres-Lawrence - ArchitectHer

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Interview Available

Emerging Trends in the Frontend and Mobile

Mobile Server-Driven UI at Scale

Rafael Ring - Nubank

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Interview Available
02:25PM BST

Coffee Break

02:45PM BST

Connecting Systems: APIs, Protocols, Observability

From Dashboard Soup to Observability Lasagna: Building Better Layers

Martha Lambert - Incident.io

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

The Tech of FinTech

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape in FinTech

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Modern Data Architectures

Streaming into the Future: Architecting for Real-Time Data Insights

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

The Changing Face of Architectural Practice

Empowering Teams: Decentralizing Architectural Decision-Making

Peter Hunter - Open GI

Elena Stojmilova - Open GI

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

Interview Available

Emerging Trends in the Frontend and Mobile

The Need for Speed: Optimizing Frontend Performance for a Faster Web

Windsor (5th Fl.)

03:35PM BST

Coffee Break

03:55PM BST

Connecting Systems: APIs, Protocols, Observability

Unlocking the Power of Connectivity to Build a Seamless System Landscape

Whittle (3rd Fl.)

The Tech of FinTech

Data Engineering for AI in Financial Services

Churchill (Ground Fl.)

Modern Data Architectures

Apache Iceberg: Powering the Future of Modern Data Architectures

Fleming (3rd Fl.)

The Changing Face of Architectural Practice

Panel: Taking Architecture Out of the Echo Chamber

Windsor (5th Fl.)

Emerging Trends in the Frontend and Mobile

Beyond Frames Per Second: Metrics that Matter in Mobile

Mountbatten (6th Fl.)

05:15PM BST

Thursday, April 10th, 2025

08:00AM BST


09:00AM BST


09:00AM BST - 12:00PM BST (3 hours)

Become an InfoQ Certified Software Architect in Emerging Technologies (ICSAET)

Wes Reisz - Equal Experts

Olivier (2nd Fl.)

12:00PM BST

Lunch in Westminster (4th Fl.)