Emerging Trends in the Frontend and Mobile

Discover cutting-edge trends and best practices for building high-performance, responsive, and engaging frontend and mobile applications that meet the evolving needs of modern users.

From this track


Mobile Server-Driven UI at Scale

Delivering changes to mobile applications is always painful: dealing with store reviews, users that don't update their apps and multiple concurrent versions being used at the same time.

Speaker image - Rafael Ring

Rafael Ring

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Mobile Platform Team @Nubank


So You’ve Decided To Do a Technical Migration

It seems like there’s always a hot new library or framework promising great things. But people often forget about the pain and effort required to move from an old technology to a new one. How long will it take? If you finish, will it be worth it?

Speaker image - Sophie Koonin

Sophie Koonin

Web Engineering Lead @Monzo, Writer, Speaker and Web 1.0 Enthusiast


Wednesday Apr 9 / 10:35AM BST


Track Host

Sareh Heidari

Senior Software Engineer @Accurx

Sareh Heidari is a Londoner and is currently a Senior Software Engineer at Accurx, a health tech startup, working with the NHS ensuring everyone involved in a patient's care can communicate with each other. Prior to this, she worked at BBC News on the home page and articles pages. She cares about accessibility, web performance and ensuring user needs are centred when designing and building websites. She's worked on sites with a global reach of millions of visitors a week and enjoys learning about the ways that technology can be used to empower those most marginalised.

In her spare time, she enjoys reading speculative fiction and going on day-long walks.

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