Functional Programming

Past Presentations

Why We Chose Erlang Over vs. Java, Scala, Go, C

Outlyer is a SaaS infrastructure monitoring tool. We process and store time-series data, which is currently at 100K points per second and growing. To do the grunt work of processing and storing the growing mass of data, we originally started out with Node.JS—quick to build and time-saving....

Colin Hemmings CTO and Co-founder @Outlyer
Drivetribe: A Social Network on Streams

Drivetribe is the world's biggest motoring destination, as envisioned by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May. Built on top of the Event Sourcing/CQRS pattern, the Drivetribe platform uses Apache Kafka as its source of truth and Apache Flink as its processing backbone. This talk aims...

Aris Koliopoulos CTO @Drivetribe
Hamish Dickson Backend engineer @Drivetribe
Habito: The Purely-Functional Mortgage Broker

The tech stack a business chooses impacts the company in many ways - who joins, what they build, what their values are and, ultimately, whether or not the enterprise succeeds. While in recent years functional programming has seen a resurgence, it remains a niche choice that to many highly...

Will Jones VP of Engineering, @Habito
Functional Composition

Marc Andreessen famously observed that "software is eating the world". As an increasing proportion of our culture becomes codified (literally), we need to consider how to authentically express theory and insights from diverse fields in our software. This must account for domains besides business...

Chris Ford Technical Principal @ThoughtWorksESP
Unique Resiliency of the Erlang VM, the BEAM and Erlang OTP

Demonstrate how unique features of the BEAM, Bogdan's/Björn's Erlang Abstract Machine, in combination with Eralng OTP can take your company's servers to the next level of resiliency and robustness. We'll be doing some very cool demos (github repo revealed after the talk)  and...

Irina Guberman Principal Product Architect @xaptuminc


Will Jones VP of Engineering, @Habito

Habito: The Purely-Functional Mortgage Broker

Tell me about the work you are doing.

Habito is changing the way mortgages work in the United Kingdom. It's quite a complicated process to work through. About 70% of the market is intermediated, so it's a good place to build a consumer-friendly brand and fix problems like not being able to understand what an appropriate mortgage looks like or how repayments work -- in...

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