Presentation: "Clojure and the Web"

Time: Friday 15:35 - 16:35

Location: St James’s Suite, Fourth Floor


Clojure is a relatively new functional programming language, but its Lisp heritage and JVM integration have attracted a lot of programmers and quickly resulted in a lot of progress. Several web development libraries have already been built for Clojure, and numerous applications are already in production using some of those libraries.

This talk will explore web programming using Clojure, focusing on Ring (a simple Clojure interface to web servers), Compojure, and various options for functional generation of HTML and XML.

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Glenn Vanderburg, Independent Consultant

 Glenn  Vanderburg
Glenn Vanderburg is a consultant at Relevance focused on cutting-edge software development technologies and techniques, including Ruby, JavaScript, Ajax, and state-of-the-art development practices.