Presentation: "Take a Ride on Camel"
Wednesday 15:35 - 16:35
Rutherford Room, Fourth Floor
Apache Camel is a widely used framework for quickly implementing enterprise integration patterns. Camel can run in many forms including standalone, web or Spring application, JBI, OSGi, Java EE, in the cloud, and so on. This session will cover best practices for developing and deploying with Apache Camel, including error handling, reporting, debugging and designing for scalability.
James will demo some new, really cool graphical tools for Camel.
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James Strachan, FuseSource
James is heavily involved in the open source community: he's been an Apache committer for 10 years, was one of the founders of the Apache ActiveMQ, Camel and ServiceMix projects, created the Groovy programming language and a number of other open source projects including Scalate, dom4j & Jaxen and is a committer on a number of projects such as Apache Karaf, Maven, Lift and Jersey. James is currently a Software Fellow at FuseSource and has more than 20 years experience in enterprise software development with a background in finance, consulting and middleware.