Workshop: Practical Use of a Service Mesh With Linkerd

Location: Abbey, 4th flr.

Duration: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Day of week: Thursday

Level: Intermediate

Key Takeaways

  • What is a service mesh and why do I need one?

  • Make things faster by adding more steps: using latency-aware load balancing

  • Adding resiliency to service requests using circuit breaking

  • Securing services by default with transparent TLS

  • Considerations for running Linkerd on Kubernetes

  • Observability using Conduit



Decomposing monolithic apps into distributed microservices typically introduces improved scalability, resource isolation, and manageability benefits for your apps. That shift also exposes long hidden ambiguity problems in the network stack. The service mesh was invented as a way to ensure all service communication can be managed, monitored, and controlled. But what does it even mean to turn service communication into a first-class citizen and what can you do with that knowledge?

This workshop focuses on practical exercises to learn fundamental service mesh concepts. The workshop presumes a basic understanding of microservice architectures, managing application in production, and use of orchestrators like Kubernetes.

Speaker: Alex Leong

Software Engineer @Buoyant

Alex is an engineer at Buoyant and a core contributor to Linkerd, the open source service mesh for cloud native applications. Prior to Buoyant, he worked at Twitter on core API infrastructure. He enjoys board games, type safety, and Tim Hortons.

Find Alex Leong at

Speaker: Franziska von der Goltz

Software Engineer @Buoyant

Franziska is an engineer at Buoyant working on Linkerd and Conduit. Prior to Buoyant, she was a part of the education team at the Hackbright Academy in San Francisco, an engineering school for women teaching them to code in order to change ratios in the tech industry. She loves traveling, enjoys tea, and writes about herself in the third person.

Find Franziska von der Goltz at


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March