Presentation: Testing Observability

Track: Observability: Logging, Alerting and Tracing

Location: Churchill, G flr.

Duration: 5:25pm - 6:15pm

Day of week: Tuesday

Level: Intermediate

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The days of trying to build systems that always work are gone. Fast, frequent releases and self-healing platforms can reduce, or even remove the risk of production incidents. So what does this mean for software testing? In this talk, Amy will look back on a long test career, and a recent Platform career to discuss the impact of observability on testing, from new techniques, greater Dev and Ops involvement, right through to whether we even really need testing anymore.

Speaker: Amy Phillips

Engineering Manager @Moo

Amy Phillips is Engineering Manager for the Platform team at Moo. She enjoys helping teams to do awesome things.

Previously Amy spent over 10 years as a software tester for a variety of companies including The Guardian and Yahoo! Starting out it was all about Master Test Plans and Requirements Traceability Matrices. Agile brought user stories, sprints, and cross functional teams. Finally Continuous Deployment blew away any belief that testing can exist separately from development.

Find Amy Phillips at


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