Emma McCall
Security Analyst @RiotGames

As a Security Analyst at Riot Games, Emma is responsible for hunting, mitigating and analyzing threats targeting the games industry. She is also active in the security community, avidly following the release of new malware and exploits. Emma has recently produced in-depth analyses of well known examples such as EternalBlue and WannaCry. Emma has prior experience in penetration testing and vulnerability analysis, performing large scale assessments for the financial sector, online gaming, insurance, and private traders.

Find Emma McCall at

Talk : EternalBlue: Exploit Analysis and Beyond

Other talks from track Security: Red XOR Blue Team

Independent Security Consultant, previously Deputy Director for Technology and Operation, & Head of CyberSecurity of Government Digital Service
Security Enthusiast & Product Engineer @cossacklabs


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March