Felipe Huici
Chief Researcher in the Systems and Machine Learning Group at NEC Laboratories Europe

I’m a chief researcher in the Systems and Machine Learning Group at NEC Laboratories Europe in Heidelberg, Germany. My main research and work interests lie in the areas of high-performance software systems, and in particular specialization, virtualization, and the application of machine learning techniques to tackle open problems in the systems area. Previously, I received an undergraduate degree with honours from the University of Virginia, a Masters in Data Communications, Networks and Distributed Systems from University College London (top of the class), and a Ph.D. also from UCL. I have published on several top-tier conferences and journals such as SOSP, SIGCOMM, NSDI, CoNEXT, and SIGCOMM CCR and regularly act as TPC member of conferences and journals such as IMC , INFOCOM, CoNEXT and SIGCOMM CCR.

Talk : Unikraft - Unleashing the Power of Unikernels

Talk : Unikernels AMA w/ Felipe Huici & Justin Cormack

Other talks from track Operating Systems: LinuxKit, Unikernels, & Beyond

Engineer @Redhat working on CRI-O Container Runtime
Principal Engineer @Intel Open Source Technology Center


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March