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Using Customer Obsession to Drive Platform Adoption
Investing in Platform teams is a natural pitstop that organizations need to take as they scale. However, to realise the value of investing in Platform teams often take a large amount of time.
This delayed realisation of value is often accompanied by struggles in driving adoption, unclear goals, unsatisfied stakeholders, and demotivated platform teams.
In this talk, we walk you through a similar journey of driving adoption and what strategies were used to:
- Defining the right goals for a platform product at various stages of it’s maturity
- Leveraging your stakeholders the right way
- How focusing on DX can help accelerate your team’s success
Varun Achar
Director of Engineering @Razorpay
Varun Achar is currently the director of engineering at Razorpay where he leads the engineering enablement charter in the Platform group. Having been involved in Platform team's from the last 7 years, Varun has built expertise in building and shaping the vision of Platform orgs and has driven the same at Razorpay. Prior to this, Varun has worked in leadership roles in other startups including attempting entrepreneurship himself 3 times.
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From the same track
How to Apply a Product Mindset to Your Platform Team Tomorrow
Wednesday Mar 29 / 01:40PM BST
In this talk, we'll explore the benefits and challenges of how organizations can make the shift from a traditional infrastructure team to 'platform as a product'. We'll focus on how to use a product mindset to your platform team with simple tips, even when you don't have a product manag
Jelmer Borst
PM Platform Products @Picnic Technologies
How to Apply a Product Mindset to Your Platform Team Tomorrow
Available, Affordable, Attractive: Enabling Platform Adoption
Wednesday Mar 29 / 11:50AM BST
This talk is focusing on the problem of adoption: what we at SuperAwesome have tried so far, what worked well, what did not work and what we did to overcome those challenges.
Olga Sermon
Senior Engineering Manager @Superawesome
Available, Affordable, Attractive: Enabling Platform Adoption
5 Principles for Enablement with (Almost) Nothing to do with Building Tools
Wednesday Mar 29 / 10:35AM BST
Engineering Enablement teams have big dreams to support developers across their organization by smoothing sharp edges to help teams achieve speed and stability within the services they provide.
Steph Egan
Principal Software Engineer @BBC
5 Principles for Enablement with (Almost) Nothing to do with Building Tools
Go Far, Go Together - Growing the Netflix Federated Graph
Wednesday Mar 29 / 02:55PM BST
Around 2019, Netflix started experimenting with a federated GraphQL architecture to build a unified GraphQL API. This was a major undertaking involving several teams. To facilitate adoption, we invested heavily in good developer experience and education.
Kavitha Srinivasan
Senior Software Engineer @Netflix
Go Far, Go Together - Growing the Netflix Federated Graph