Speaker: Henry Tze

He / him / his

Lead Cloud Security Engineer @Virgin Media O2

Henry Tze is a Lead Cloud Security Engineer at Virgin Media O2. Focus on building users-focused security paved road at scale for developers/engineers/builders to maximise value creation at pace in AWS and GCP Cloud.

Empowering all levels of end users by providing pipeline templates, infrastructure blueprints, working examples, secure ways of working, low/no code self-service platforms that they never imagined before.

All in form of everything as code and he believed that's how builders should be united with and aligned. Encouraging users to form an internal community to overcome technical issues and share the love.

Find Henry Tze at:


Getting Developers into F1 Driver Seats with Security?

At Virgin Media O2, we are in a race of digital transformation which requires many different types of skillsets and people. This resulted in waves of hiring new blood, contractors and skilling up existing engineers/developers.

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Monday Mar 27 / 05:25PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Whittle (3rd Fl.)


automation container foundation security



Panel: Building Security in Earlier

Software security is an essential aspect of any digital product, yet it is often neglected until the late stages of the development lifecycle. This approach leaves organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks, which can result in costly data breaches, reputational damage, and legal liabilities.

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Monday Mar 27 / 04:10PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Westminster (4th Fl.)
