Live online

This track includes all the sessions available live online. Online sessions are happening in Zoom and are available to all online and in-person attendees.

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From this track

Session staff+

RECORDING: Setting Goals as a Staff+ Engineer

Monday Mar 27 / 02:55PM BST

You don’t need “manager” in your title to lead engineering teams. More and more, companies are investing in senior individual contributor tracks to support engineers as they grow. But once you get that staff+ role, the way you work changes a lot:

Speaker image - Sabrina Leandro

Sabrina Leandro

Principal Product Engineer @Intercom


Online Unconference: Architectures

Monday Mar 27 / 04:10PM BST

What is an unconference? An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. Attendees come together, bringing their challenges and relying on the experience and know-how of their peers for solutions.

Speaker image - Amr Elssamadisy

Amr Elssamadisy

Agile Coach & Author of Agile Adoption Patterns


Monday Mar 27 / 09:00AM BST
