Presentation: "Do's and dont's on Android."

Time: Wednesday 14:05 - 15:05

Location: Henry Moore Room, Fourth Floor

Based on experiences from implementing the most successful mobile banking application in Scandinavia, Lars will show you the overall architecture, the technologies, the trade offs and the best practices learned. The presentation will demonstrate selected implemented features on the live application, and focus on optimization techniques for graphics, animations and memory management. The take from the talk should be a handful of useful techniques, pitfalls, do's and dont's for developing on the Android platform.
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Lars Hesel Christensen

 Lars Hesel  Christensen

Lars holds a M.Sc. in computer science from the University of Aarhus, living and skiing in Switzerland. His latest passion is developing quality software for the Android platforms. He is experienced in Java, C++ and object-oriented analysis and design in general. He has workedextensively with development in UNIX and Linux environments, mainly in projects on large embedded platforms. On Linux platforms he has a special interest in kernel and driver development. Further he has worked on several smaller embedded platforms, mostly featuring ARM processors.