Presentation: "Why I chose MongoDB for"

Time: Friday 12:05 - 13:05

Location: Fleming Room, Third Floor


There are many competing technologies available in the NoSql space, with differing approaches, advantages & disadvantages. How is it possible to choose between them?

In this talk Mat Wall will disucuss the process that led to the choice of MongoDB as a key technology for the future of He will focus on aspects of MongoDB that have allowed The Guardian to sucessfuly reduce complexity in their code & systems architecture while at the same time increasing capacity, and describe the approach taken by The Guardian to migrate existing services from a relational model to a NoSQL approach.

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Matthew Wall,

 Matthew  Wall

Mat Wall is lead software architect for, one of Europe's largest newspaper websites. He has lead the architecture team designing their new content management system and, more recently, the Guardian's Open Platform. He is currently focused on using NoSQL technlogies to simplify their systems and provide the next generation of online services for