Presentation: "Secure Distributed Programming on EcmaScript 5 + HTML5 platforms"

Time: Friday 15:35 - 16:35

Location: Westminster Suite, Fourth Floor

Programming for the browser platform is hell. After the DOM API, the worst part of that hell is the browser security architecture, centered on the same origin policy. Until recently, there was no practical way to avoid its complexities on standard browsers. We show how to use EcmaScript 5 to restrict loaded code to object-capability rules within a frame, enabling secure mashups. We show how to use HTML5's support for cross-origin messaging to support safe origin-independent messaging. Composed together, these form a simple, coherent, expressive, object-oriented security architecture, able to run on almost any browser fully conformant with these new standards. Although we are still also constrained by the same origin policy, we can largely escape from its confusions and complexities, expressing security by saner means.
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Mark S. Miller, Taught the world that object programming, done right, was already close to object-capability secure programming.

 Mark S.  Miller
Mark S. Miller is a research scientist at Google, main designer of the E and Caja secure programming languages, a pioneer of agoric (market-based secure distributed) computing, an architect of the Xanadu hypertext publishing system, and a representative to the EcmaScript committee.