Presentation: Observability and Emerging Infrastructures

Track: Observability: Logging, Alerting and Tracing

Location: Churchill, G flr.

Duration: 2:55pm - 3:45pm

Day of week: Tuesday

Level: Intermediate

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Metrics, dashboards, logs ... the basics of monitoring haven’t changed much in the past 20 years, even as systems have gotten astronomically more fluid, ephemeral and complex. Modern systems require a more exploratory, iterative approach to problem solving than dashboards afford, and microservices are often the tipping point, the place past which people realize their old tools can simply no longer do the job. We’ll talk about events vs metrics, debugging vs monitoring, and lots of examples of real debugged systems problems.

Speaker: Charity Majors

Co-Founder @Honeycombio, formerly DevOps @ParseIT/@Facebook

Charity has been on call since age 17, a terrifying thought. She has been every sort of systems engineer & manager at Facebook, Parse, Linden Lab etc, but somehow always ends up responsible for the databases. She likes free software, free speech and peaty single-malts.

Find Charity Majors at

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