Guillaume Laforge
Developer Advocate at Google Cloud and PMC Chair for Apache Groovy

Guillaume Laforge is Developer Advocate for Google Cloud Platform, during the day, often talking about serverless technologies, conversational interfaces, or machine learning APIs. And at night, he wears his Apache Groovy cap, a popular alternative language for the Java Virtual Machine.

Find Guillaume Laforge at

Talk : Machine Intelligence at Google Scale

Talk : AI Panel

Other talks from track The Practice & Frontiers of AI

Developer at Booking.com; Open Source Contributor in DuckDuckGo, GitHub and Pandas
Artificial Intelligence DevRel @NVIDIA
Quantitative Researcher @Systematica Investments
Director, Data Science @Salesforce Einstein
CEO @streamdata.io
Consultant, Engineer, Scientist @Winder Research and Development Ltd.
Quantitative Researcher @Systematica Investments
Director, Data Science @Salesforce Einstein
Developer at Booking.com; Open Source Contributor in DuckDuckGo, GitHub and Pandas


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March