Driving Down the Cost of Observability

Ten years ago, observability barely existed. Now, observability costs can equal 10%–30% of operational budgets. Inefficient observability has become a blocker to a scaled DevOps strategy.

In this session, explore the reasons why observability is too expensive and the drivers that have created high costs. Discover some of the anti-patterns for cost optimization and the architectural and technical approaches that teams can adopt to drive down their observability costs.


Chris Cooney

Developer Advocate @Coralogix

Chris has been an SRE, Software Engineer and now Developer Advocate for over 10 years. He's passionate about DevOps and Observability.

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Session Sponsored By

Observe More. Spend Less.


Tuesday Apr 9 / 11:45AM BST ( 50 minutes )


Westminster (4th Fl.)


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