Architecture Through Different Lenses

Software architecture can be viewed from many different perspectives, such as technical, business, and organizational. This track will explore the different lenses through which software architecture can be viewed and discuss the implications of each perspective for software design and development.

From this track


Thinking Like an Architect

Wednesday Apr 10 / 10:35AM BST

Are architects supposed to be the smartest people on the team, making all the important decisions for developers to fill in the blanks? Certainly not. Rather, architects make everyone else smarter, for example by sharing decision models or revealing blind spots.

Speaker image - Gregor Hohpe

Gregor Hohpe

Director of Enterprise Strategy @Amazon

Session AWS

Think, Architect, and Sustain Your Serverless Applications As [Set] Pieces!

Wednesday Apr 10 / 11:45AM BST

Over the decades, we have seen several architectural principles and patterns that helped enterprises build monolithic applications that stood the test of time. The emergence of microservices made us rethink how we built these business applications.

Speaker image - Sheen Brisals

Sheen Brisals

Senior Engineering Manager, Author, and AWS Serverless Hero


Evolving Trainline Architecture for Scale, Reliability and Productivity

Wednesday Apr 10 / 01:35PM BST

Trainline has been enabling customers to buy train tickets online for over 15 years.

Speaker image - Milena Nikolic

Milena Nikolic

CTO @Trainline, Previously Engineering Director @Google


How to Architect Software for a Greener Future

Wednesday Apr 10 / 02:45PM BST

Few industries have moved fast enough to support the energy transition, and that includes the tech sector. How will software development and operations have to change to meet the sustainability and green needs of the planet?

Speaker image - Sara Bergman

Sara Bergman

Senior Software Engineer @Microsoft


Data Mesh Architecture Applied to Complex Organizations

Wednesday Apr 10 / 03:55PM BST

Large financial enterprises often grapple with the challenges of complex data landscapes, ranging from managing petabytes of data produced, increasing regulatory compliance requirements and meeting the needs of different consumers.

Speaker image - Nandakumar Heble

Nandakumar Heble

Data Architect @UBS, Previously @Barclays, Over 25+ Years of Experience

Track Host

Blanca Rojo

Executive Director, Distinguished Engineer and Cloud Engineer @UBS

I grew up in Spain and have a degree and a MSc on Software Engineering. As a daughter of two maths teachers, I learnt coding since my childhood and always had an interest in STEM subjects.

I worked in France at a research institute for one year during different points of my university education.

After my MSc I moved to London and found an internship and then a contract at an investment bank. I have worked there ever since and grown as a professional throughout the years.

I have historically been a Java engineer, working with spring and focusing on fixing tricky challenges using code. I focused on functional changes and coding mathematical models for our applications, and became a Dev Lead for the teams I worked on.

In 2019 I started learning cloud engineering and later data engineering and decided to change my career towards that angle.

In parallel to that I started being involved in our work networks in 2017. I volunteered in our Dev Community network and organised in person and remote events, helped organise our Tech Conference, participated in hackathons and made sure I was contributing to the engineering culture of my organisation. In 2021 I started leading the Women in Tech network in the UK. I changed its angle to bring more coding into it, diversifying the kind of events and influence that our network had. We started volunteering in schools and upskilling the women in the organisation via tech.

Through my technical and community work I was nominated to and awarded the position of Distinguished Engineer. As a Staff+ engineer in my organisation, I influence technology and teams and this year I passed the baton of the Women in Tech network to two amazing colleagues and, while still involved in the network, I started co leading the Software Engineering Guild for Europe.

I work on what is called a Center of Excellence, a team working horizontally in my department solving cloud engineering challenges that impact tens of applications in the department. We design, code, maintain and explain reusable artifacts that follow the highest engineering standards and that would have normally been reworked by every team migrating their applications to cloud. We specialise on proof of concept work to explore alternatives and recommend the right patterns to use to a department of 600+ people.

I have recently started my journey as a public speaker. I spoke as part of several panels after becoming a Distinguished Engineer, including one for the participants of our Coding Black Females collaboration. I spoke about cloud native and patterns for monolith decompositions at our internal tech conference last year and in 2023 I have spoken at London Tech Week and at the Staff+ conference organised by Lead Dev.

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