Cloud-Native Engineering

Cloud-Native is synonymous with scalable, resilient, and event-driven backend applications created for the cloud. It represents the unification of infrastructure automation, serverless, and developer platforms. Are you ready to discover modern engineering practices, gain practitioner-driven insights on what technologies are effective on the cloud, and get a glimpse of what's coming next?

From this track

Session AWS

Efficient Serverless Development: Latest Patterns and Practices on AWS

Monday Apr 8 / 10:35AM BST

Ready to dive into the world of serverless with AWS? In this talk, we're going to cut through the jargon and get straight to what serverless really means and why it's a game-changer for developers like us.

Speaker image - Yan Cui

Yan Cui

AWS Serverless Hero & Independent Consultant

Session DevSecOps

Efficient DevSecOps Workflows With a Little Help From AI

Monday Apr 8 / 11:45AM BST

From idea to the first line of code to production deployments - DevSecOps workflows help develop software faster. Everyone has reached a different level of adoption, and some processes may feel inefficient, or blocking progress and innovation.

Speaker image - Michael Friedrich

Michael Friedrich

Senior Developer Advocate @GitLab


Unconference: Cloud-Native Engineering

Monday Apr 8 / 01:35PM BST

An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. Attendees come together, bringing their challenges and relying on the experience and know-how of their peers for solutions.

Session architecture

Building SaaS From Scratch Using Cloud-Native Patterns: A Deep Dive Into a Cloud Startup

Monday Apr 8 / 02:45PM BST

A robust and extensible Cloud platform is the foundation on which to build and distribute powerful Software as a Service (SaaS). It provides a common layer upon which you can quickly iterate to deliver specialized services to meet the needs of your end users.

Speaker image - Joni Collinge

Joni Collinge

Founding Software Engineer @Diagrid

Session Infrastructure as Code

Borderless Cloud: Designing, Implementing, and Securing Apps Across Multiple Clouds

Monday Apr 8 / 03:55PM BST

There are different reasons why your team might want to leverage the multi-cloud architecture. It could be a result of the desire to enhance redundancy and optimize costs, to ensure regulatory compliance, or to capitalize on the diverse services offered by different cloud providers.

Speaker image - Adora Nwodo

Adora Nwodo

Senior Software Engineer, Founder of NexaScale, Multi-Published Author

Session storage

Stateful Cloud Services at Neon: Navigating Design Decisions and Trade-Offs

Monday Apr 8 / 05:05PM BST

Cloud-native engineering talks frequently focus on implementing and operating the stateless parts of applications.

Speaker image - John Spray

John Spray

Storage Engineering Lead, Formerly Redpanda, Inktank (Ceph), Whamcloud (Lustre)

Track Host

Bilgin Ibryam

Principal Product Manager @Diagrid, Co-author of “Kubernetes Patterns“, Previously Architect @RedHat

Bilgin Ibryam is a technical product manager at Diagrid, where he focuses on developing tools to enhance developer productivity. Prior to this role, Bilgin served as a consultant and architect at Red Hat, where he successfully led teams in the design and implementation of cloud-native applications. He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and has co-authored two books on Kubernetes Patterns and Camel Design Patterns. Bilgin enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience through writing, blogging, and speaking at conferences, sharing his insights on cloud-native development and other related topics.

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