Track: Containers - State Of The Art


Day of week:

What is the state of the art, what's next, & other interesting questions on containers.

Track Host:
Jamie Dobson
CEO @containersoluti (Container Solutions)
Jamie Dobson is the CEO of Container Solutions, a professional services company that specializes in strategic advice around technology and microservices. His interest in distributed systems go all the way back to his days as a student, when he studied High Performance Computing. These days, as well as leading the team at CS, Jamie helps other people go 'cloud native'.

Trackhost Interview

What types of projects and questions are you focused on?

Containers are, for many people, theoretical. Therefore, a consistent thread through the track is how containers are and can be used in practice. This is why we’ll have a case study from Maersk, for example. The question in this case would be, ‘how do we do this within the constraints of our business’?

Sticking with the practical theme, we’ll take a look at what happens when containers attack. How do we build a secure system when a containerised system has a much larger security footprint and, even worse, is nearly always built by geographically dislocated teams?

On top of that, we of course how to answer the question, how do we get started? With this in mind, we’ll have a talk about the now world famous ‘Socks Shop’. Socks Shop is a reference architecture, the Pet Store for the age of containers.

In summary, we’ll be asking:

  • How do I get started with Containers?
  • How do I secure systems with such a huge footprint?
  • How do I do this in the ‘real world’.
Who is your target persona?

Take a look at this:

This is a rough map that I sometimes use when talking about cloud native capabilities. You’ll notice that containers straddle that space between application development and infrastructure. So, the people we’ll attract will be developers who are interested in microservices and want to get started. But we’ll also attract those who know that properly containerized systems can give us abilities to move between clouds. However, we’ll attract managers, too, who want to understand how to take advantage of containers in order to free their teams from the mundane work of both building and deploying applications.

What are your goals for the track?

The most important thing to me is the notion of a next step. Everyone who comes to this track, or even just a single talk, must come away with a concrete idea of what comes next for them. As the track host, it’s my job to sure that happens.

For example, the application developer’s next step might be to label their containers. The operations engineer’s next step will be to set up container monitoring. The manager will make their teams smaller.

What do you want someone to leave from your track with?

A big smile on their faces because the promise of containers is that the work of building and deploying systems becomes fun again. If you believe that development and deployment is an act of creation, then you almost certainly subscribe to the notion that the creator must be close to the creation. We work with companies who can change their production systems in seconds, who can test an idea on one city before rolling out nationally. In other words, containers have truly enabled business agility, which is a lot of fun. The thread of the track then is business agility that is enabled through the awesome application of container technology.

10:35am - 11:25am

by Philipp Garbe
Lead Software Developer @AutoScout24

With Docker it became easy to start applications locally without installing any dependencies. Even running a local cluster is not a big thing anymore.

AWS on the other side offers with ECS a managed container service that starts to schedule containers based on resource needs, isolation policies, and availability requirements.

Sounds good, but is it really that easy? In this talk, you'll get an overview of ECS and all other services that are needed to run your containers in...

11:50am - 12:40pm

by Luke Marsden
Developer Experience @Weaveworks

Devops best practice says you should version control the configuration of your deployment. But you want to automate the delivery of new versions of your software through a CI/CD pipeline. In this talk we'll assemble a CI/CD pipeline from scratch to Kubernetes using GitLab CE as an example. Finally we'll look at open source tools which can facilitate coordinating simultaneously updating configuration and performing releases to Kubernetes, as well as rolling back and pinning releases, and also...

1:40pm - 2:30pm

by Anne Currie
Co-founder - scaling containers in real-time

A deep dive into history: what can the past tell us about full stack engineers, popular tech platforms and the dangers of searching for the perfect technology.

2:55pm - 3:45pm

by Chris Down
Production Engineer @ Facebook's Web Foundation team

cgroupv1 (or just "cgroups") has helped revolutionise the way that we manage and use containers over the past 8 years. A complete overhaul is coming -- cgroupv2. This talk will go into why a new control group system was needed, the changes from cgroupv1, and practical uses that you can apply to improve the level of control you have over the processes on your servers.

We will go over:

  • Design decisions and deviations for cgroupv2 compared to v1
  • Pitfalls and caveats...
4:10pm - 5:00pm

Open Space
5:25pm - 6:15pm

by Carlos Leon
Software Engineer @containersoluti (Container Solutions)

Containers can help you reduce the time to market significantly, specially when the whole process for creating and deploying them has been automated and reduced «from commit to production in 5 minutes» but, is your company and its technical and cultural infrastructures ready for such a pace? Containerizing your applications allows you to improve your time to market significantly. But is your company is actually ready for such a speed? Have you thought of the cultural changes that such a...
