Conference:March 6-8, 2017
Workshops:March 9-10, 2017
Presentation: Case Study: Alternate Blockchains
- Mountbatten, 6th flr.
Day of week:
- Wednesday
- Advanced
- Developer
Key Takeaways
- Observe how you can leverage blockchain technology for different use cases
- Gain insight in the advantages and drawbacks of different design approaches for blockchain-based systems
- Learn how to make good decisions about what works best for a specific use case
It seems that everyone is creating their own blockchain. Is this justified, or should they be using Bitcoin? This talk will use Namecoin and Monero as case studies to see what advantages exist for using a different blockchain, what approaches exist for doing so (e.g. merge-mined sidechains), and what risks you might be exposing your users to if you use a blockchain that isn't as secure as Bitcoin.
Most of what I do currently is on applications that improve online privacy.
It’s difficult to compare different design approaches for systems using blockchain technology, which makes it hard to make good choices about what to (re)use or when to design your own specific solution. I will explore existing approaches like Namecoin, Monero and Blockstack and discuss what’s good and what’s bad about them.
Anyone who is either deciding to use an existing blockchain or who is going to create their own blockchain.
It depends on whether there’s already something out there that does what you want. There are not a huge number of blockchain in production that do something unique. I will mostly talk about the concepts with only few code examples.
They can walk away with an understanding of the use cases, why those use cases are useful, approaches used in the real world and what the trade-offs of those approaches are so that they can make good decisions about what would work best for them.
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