Unlocking the Web's Potential with Memory-Safe Languages

From the same track


Building a Startup on .NET

Tuesday Apr 8 / 10:35AM BST

Details coming soon.

Speaker image - Sam Cox

Sam Cox

Co-Founder & CTO @Tracebit


Expanding Swift from Apps to Services

Tuesday Apr 8 / 11:45AM BST

The Swift programming language is a popular choice for applications, but many engineers are less familiar with Swift’s capabilities for writing services. This session will explore why Swift is a great fit for services development, from memory safety to interoperability.

Speaker image - Cory Benfield

Cory Benfield

Senior Software Engineer Doing Swift on Server @Apple


The Universal Runtime for the Next Generation of Applications

Tuesday Apr 8 / 01:35PM BST

Details coming soon.


Performance Optimization with WASM and Native Code

Tuesday Apr 8 / 05:05PM BST

Details coming soon.


Unconference: Memory Safe Native Languages and WASM

Tuesday Apr 8 / 03:55PM BST