Maximising Business Outcomes with Secure and Compliant Value Stream Optimisation

As the business landscape evolves at an unprecedented pace, companies must rapidly adapt to remain competitive. In this session, we'll explore the role of Value Streams in driving organisational agility, with a focus on embedding security and compliance into daily operations through automation. We'll examine the importance of these practices and share real-world examples of companies that have succeeded by optimising their Value Streams, as well as cautionary tales of those that have fallen behind when not implemented correctly. Here's what you'll exactly learn: >Gain a comprehensive understanding of Value Streams and their role in enhancing business agility. >Learn best practices for securing Value Streams and ensuring compliance, including strategies for automating these processes. >Discover the risks associated with neglecting Value Stream optimization and compliance, and understand how to leverage automation to achieve sustained success.


Stefania Chaplin

Founder & CEO @DevStefOps, Previously Solutions Architect @GitLab, AWS Certified Security - Speciality

Stefania specialises in cultivating clear, effective communication that unites teams and leaders across all levels of an organisation. With a background in security and development, she has led multi-million pound projects and managed diverse, multicultural teams across a range of industries and countries. Her approach breaks down communication barriers, aligns groups, and creates shared understanding - driving collaboration, efficiency, and better decision-making. Stefania helps organisations foster a culture of transparency and trust, enabling teams to work together more effectively and achieve meaningful results.

As a sought-after speaker, Stefania has shared her insights at hundreds of global events, empowering organisations to bridge communication gaps and create high-performing, cohesive teams.

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Session Sponsored By

GitLab is the most comprehensive DevSecOps platform for software innovation.


Wednesday Mar 29 / 01:40PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Westminster (4th Fl.)


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