Beyond Micro Frontends: Effective Composable Decoupled Applications on Cloud Native Infrastructure

The frontend ecosystem is regarded by other technologists as a world full of hype, new patterns, frameworks and ephemeral approaches. During this talk I will share with you the secrets of supporting infrastructure and how cloud-native and the Web Platform APIs are paving the way to push the boundaries of what was once known as the Jamstack and Micro frontends, and evolved into a full-stack composable architecture that allows us to build applications using cutting-edge developer tools optimized for amazing developer experiences and integrations, and are ultimately architected and composed to satisfy user needs and business goals.


Natalia Venditto

Principal Program Manager @Microsoft, Lead DX JavaScript, Node.js on Azure

Natalia has worked in the roles of frontend developer, full-stack developer, technical lead, software and solutions architect. Now she leads the end-to-end developer experience for JavaScript and Node.js, on Azure. Natalia is also part of the Google Developer Experts for Angular and Web Technologies, and Google Mentors programs, and an MVP award for Developer Technologies.

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Tuesday Mar 28 / 05:25PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Whittle (3rd Fl.)


microfrontend cloud native


From the same track

Session monorepo

From Monorepo Mess to Monorepo Bliss: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Tuesday Mar 28 / 11:50AM BST

Monorepos have been around for a while but only recently gained popularity in the frontend community. Many developers are being confronted with them now and end up overwhelmed by the terminology and tooling. What are monorepos? Is it just about code colocation?

Speaker image - Juri Strumpflohner

Juri Strumpflohner

Sr. Director of Developer Experience @Nx

Session edge computing

Living on the Edge: Boosting Your Site's Performance with Edge Computing

Tuesday Mar 28 / 02:55PM BST

Edge computing is not a new concept, but in the past few years an increasing number of hosting providers have introduced the ability to run Javascript at the edge such as Edge Functions from Netlify and Vercel, and Workers from Cloudflare. 

Speaker image - Erica Pisani

Erica Pisani

Sr. Software Engineer @Netlify

Session microfrontend

Micro Frontends: The Evolution of Frontend Architecture

Tuesday Mar 28 / 04:10PM BST

Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between monoliths, monorepos and Micro-Frontends?

Speaker image - Ruben Casas

Ruben Casas

Staff Engineer @Postman

Session microfrontend

The Web's Next Transition

Tuesday Mar 28 / 10:35AM BST

The web. What started as a document sharing platform has evolved into an application platform. The web has been through a number of transformations over the years. From static HTML files to dynamic server-generated HTML responses.

Speaker image - Kent C. Dodds

Kent C. Dodds

Software Engineer and Educator, Creator of, EpicReact.Dev, and


Unconference: Modern Frontend Development and Architecture

Tuesday Mar 28 / 01:40PM BST

What is an unconference? An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. Attendees come together, bringing their challenges and relying on the experience and know-how of their peers for solutions.

Speaker image - Shane Hastie

Shane Hastie

Global Delivery Lead @SoftEd, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods @InfoQ