The web. What started as a document sharing platform has evolved into an application platform. The web has been through a number of transformations over the years. From static HTML files to dynamic server-generated HTML responses. Then to REST or GraphQL APIs consumed by JavaScript-heavy clients with the Jamstack. The web is entering a completely new transformation. Modern infrastructure and techniques have changed the rules of what it means to make an excellent user experience. In this new future, what's old is new and what's modern is lacking.
In this talk, Kent C. Dodds will show you how this transformation will impact your user experience, your development productivity, and your business goals. The future of the web is distributed. It's faster. It's cheaper. It's exciting. Kent will show you what you can do to stay in front of it (and no, it's not web3).
What's the focus of your work these days?
I'm a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and I'm actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. I am the creator of, EpicReact.Dev, and I'm an instructor on and Frontend Masters.
What's the motivation for your talk at QCon London 2023?
I've noticed a trend in the direction that web frameworks are going and it transcends languages and ecosystems. Most web frameworks these days are moving toward what I'm calling the progressively enhanced single-page app architecture, which allows developers to build a really awesome user experience and have a great experience while doing that.
The idea is that we can have all of the great user experience features that our users expect these days while also having the simple mental model with the way that we used to build for the web with multi-page apps. I'm excited to talk about that, I think that most of the industry is moving this way and it's an important new architecture that people should be considering in their web development.
How would you describe your main persona and target audience for this session?
Since this is a higher-level talk that's more about architecture than a specific implementation, this is actually very useful for developers of any given experience and also very useful for managers of development teams, and even CTOs.
People who are really invested in any kind of web project. Just getting an understanding of where the industry is moving as far as what our users expect and what we can deliver with this new architecture. It's a pretty broad subject that can be of interest to anyone who's interested in the web.
Is there anything specific that you'd like people to walk away with after watching your session?
My hope, is that people leave inspired to adopt a lot of these architectural advantages in whatever technology they're currently using. Whether that be incrementally migrating in this direction or taking advantage of these things with their existing tech stack. I'm hoping that people leave inspired to make the web better for both the developers building for it and the users that use it.

Kent C. Dodds
Software Engineer and Educator, Creator of, EpicReact.Dev, and
Kent C. Dodds is a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and he's actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. He is the creator of, EpicReact.Dev, and He's an instructor on and Frontend Masters. Kent is married and the father of four kids.