Best Practices for Data Platforms with Finanz Informatik and Hazelcast

Do you think that offering fast and reliable services is absolutely crucial for end user satisfaction? Does your organization have the challenge of building services that perform well even when components inevitably fail? Would you like those services to have fast access to the data they need by leveraging scalable and fault-tolerant technologies? 

Then this session is for you. As with many companies, FI faces the challenge of providing robust, reliable services to its end users while maintaining high performance and availability – a challenge made ever more interesting by the high levels of regulation in Germany’s financial services market. 

Today, the rather unique architecture of Hazelcast on FI’s platform provides user-facing applications with fast and reliable data access, but this is the result of an evolution – one that saw various iterations, each one not only reflecting the need to account for shifting requirements, but also embodying the “lessons learned” of the previous iteration. 

Join us, therefore, as we uncover the various iterations of Hazelcast’s architecture on FI’s platform, showing the properties, pros and cons of each, and outlining the path to today’s architecture. We share how our “lessons learned” impacted architecture decisions and tell you about the best practices we gathered along the way, so you can take with you the things that will likely work for you, too – while avoiding those that probably won't. 

Questions we answer in this session: 

  • Who is Finanz Informatik and what do they offer? 
  • What challenges do financial services companies face today and how does FI conquer them? 
  • What architectural choices did FI make for their Hazelcast setup, how has their architecture changed over time, and why? 
  • What are some best practices for building adaptable data platforms that FI has learned during their journey? 
  • How does Hazelcast’s unified real-time data platform assist in addressing the shifting market needs?


Neil Stevenson

Principal Architect @Hazelcast

Neil Stevenson, Principal Architect at Hazelcast With over 30 years of industry experience, Neil has designed, developed, debugged, and supported software systems for numerous customers large and small. Initially, a C and assembler programmer, most of the last 20 years have been Java-based, with a focus on distributed systems, data grids, and stream processing. Neil is an occasional committer to the Hazelcast code base, with special interest on GoLang.

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Philipp Blanke

C/S Banking Deployment Operations @Finanz Informatik

Philipp is responsible for large scale software deployments in Finanz Informatik's UNIX and Linux clusters. Coming from a background of mathematics, he developed geometrical algorithms and visualizers for medical data, managed projects in the public transport sector and created software architectures for car multimedia applications. As part of his job as department head at FI, he is currently working on cloud and container strategy for financial applications.

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Nico Krieg

External Consultant @Finanz Informatik

Originally from the realm of software engineering, Nico has been working in FI’s production branch since 2021, applying software engineering principles like shortening feedback cycles and building reliable test automation to production’s processes and artifacts. Currently, Nico’s focus lies on providing FI with a scalable and reliable architecture for their Hazelcast clusters. In support of this goal – and to finally teach himself some Golang –, Nico has implemented “Hazeltest”, a small application for load- testing Hazelcast clusters

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Session Sponsored By

Hazelcast modernizes applications with a unified real-time data platform to act instantly on streaming data to create new revenue streams, mitigate risk, and operate efficiently.


Monday Apr 8 / 03:55PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Westminster (4th Fl.)


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