Driving Business Success: Exploring ING's Tech Strategy for Customer Value Creation

In this presentation, Rocío López (CIO ING Spain & Portugal) will relate how technology has become the pioneering driver to improve the business. In an era where differentiation is key, the use of technology has been a major enabler for creating value. Having the latest technology is something available to anyone. For this reason, the key is not about the “what”, it is about knowing how to use this technology for the benefit of our clients and our businesses. Rocío will show what technical patterns ING has adopted and how they have been channeled in business value, such as hyper-personalization, data usage for customers’ engagement, CI/CD in an innovative and agile environment or how important it is to foster diverse teams to make everything happen. Join in to get a taste of these key ingredients for success.


Rocio Lopez

CIO @ING Spain & Portugal

Rocío is CIO and member of the Executive Committee of ING Spain & Portugal. With nearly 20 years of professional background, she joined ING in 2008, where she has held different positions at local and global level. Rocío worked as Global Head of Retail Delivery for ING Group, where she led the delivery strategy as well as the development of global programs for Retail countries. Rocío is BSc in Telecommunications Engineering and holds a General Management Program by Business School IESE. Rocío López was designated CIO of the year 2023 by both the CIO Awards Spain and the CIONET Award

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Session Sponsored By

ING is a global bank with a strong European base. Our 58,000 employees serve around 38 million customers in over 40 countries.  Making the difference in people’s lives, with tech that matters is what drives us.


Monday Apr 8 / 01:35PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Westminster (4th Fl.)


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