What is your Developer Experience Utopia?

This session will look at some of the common challenges faced by Developers that interrupt the development flow, slow things down and increase the cognitive load while trying to innovate.

Come along and see if you recognize these challenges from your own experience or organization. This will be followed by a demonstration of what I think utopia looks like.

During the demonstration, you will witness

  • From 0 to production in 8 minutes
  • In context governance, easy for developers to do the right thing
  • Flexibility for innovation
  • GenAI to allow for in-context security fix recommendations
  • A happy developer - me!


Ryan Sheldrake

Principal Problem Solver @Harness

Tech evangelist specialising in both software delivery and security. Cultural hacker and coach. 

Ryan learnt to programme when he was 7 years old, that's a long time ago! I've never stopped learning and it's the "continuous thing" that I am most passionate about. 

I started out as a Mainframe Operator, moving through Technical Support, Architect etc. working in banking, retail and payments before moving into cyber security for the last 9 years. A DevOps Ambassador with the DevOps Institute and start-up advisor. 

DevSecOps arrived in my world around ten years ago. It wasn't called that back then. Some things have changed in that world, others haven't (and maybe should). I'll always have an opinion and more than happily debate all things in and around DevSecOps, let's chat! 

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Session Sponsored By

Harness is the leading end-to-end platform for complete software delivery.


Monday Apr 8 / 10:35AM BST ( 50 minutes )


Westminster (4th Fl.)


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