You Capture only 1% of Business Data. Unlock the rest with EventStoreDB

Your application is only capturing 1% of your business operational data and you have absolutely no idea what miracles you are capable of when you capture the rest with EventStoreDB and Event Sourcing.

Most systems today are fixated on storing data's current state - like the newest updates to user profiles or final order statuses - ignoring the wealth of information hidden in the historical changes that data undergoes. This approach captures only the end result, neglecting the valuable sequence of events that led there Event sourcing redefines data capture by treating every change as essential, rigorously logging each event that impacts the system.

This approach provides a complete digital ledger of operations, capturing every transaction, decision, and intent in the finest granularity. It's a shift from capturing mere outcomes to embracing the complete journey, offering a holistic view of operational data EventStoreDB is the world's leading event sourcing database, purpose-built to treat events as first-class citizens. It supports the storage of billions of streams and events, while maintaining stream and global level ordering across events. It also offers many features that simplify the capture and replay of these events.

This enables developers and businesses to gain insights previously unimaginable, transforming all aspects of their operations in ways that were not possible before.

In this talk, you will learn:

  • The differences between the current state and historical events.
  • Why traditional systems focus on the current state and capture only 1% of business data.
  • How event sourcing and historical events enable you to capture the remaining 99%.
  • The "superpowers" you'll gain by capturing the full picture.
  • EventStoreDB's fit in the technology landscape.
  • Common strategies for using EventStoreDB.
  • Examples of popular and impactful use cases.
  • When to use and when not to use EventStoreDB.


Stephen Tung

Developer Advocate @Event Store

Stephen has been a software practitioner and leader for 20 years, focused on simplifying business solutions across various industries. He discovered DDD/CQRS/ES 15 years ago and has been dedicated to these approaches ever since. 

Currently serving as a Developer Advocate at Event Store, he is known (self-proclaimed) for his ability to simplify complex topics to an elementary level. He possesses a strong interest in educating the next generation of DDD/CQRS/ES practitioners and dreams of popularizing these concepts in his hometown of Hong Kong, as well as throughout China and Asia.

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Session Sponsored By

EventStoreDB, the event-native database, where business events are immutably stored and streamed. Designed for event-sourced, event-driven, and microservices architectures.


Monday Apr 8 / 11:45AM BST ( 50 minutes )


Westminster (4th Fl.)


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