Workshop: Modern Spring


9:00am - 4:00pm

Key takeaways

Learn how to use the latest bits of Spring

Single page UI applications

Microservice patterns

Declarative messaging

Security for microservices


  • Participants will be able to try out the code that we write in the workshop if they bring a laptop with Java 8 installed.
  • Some experience of development with Java or Spring would be useful: the more the better.
  • A Github account will also be useful.

Spring makes it easier than ever to build modern, cloud native applications without getting caught up in the weeds. This workshop focuses on the latest additions to the Spring stack (Spring Boot and Spring Cloud) as well as the latest releases of foundation projects Spring, Spring Data, Spring Security. Starting from nothing, we will develop a model system with plenty of moving parts, but the minimum amount of code needed to solve the business problem at hand.

We will see how to implement all the important patterns in modern applications with microservice architectures: single page application, hypermedia, service discovery, central configuration, circuit breakers, control bus, event stream, single sign on, API gateway.

Other Workshops:

Day: Thursday [Full Day]
Day: Friday [Full Day]
Day: Friday [Full Day]
Day: Friday [Full Day]


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Tuesday, 8 March

Wednesday, 9 March