Track: Sponsored Solution Track I
- Abbey, 4th flr.
Day of week:
- Wednesday
Industry practitioners and technical product managers from leading vendors demonstrate solutions to some of today's toughest software development challenges in the areas of performance monitoring, NoSQL & Big Data, software delivery, scalability, and more.

by Senaka Fernando
Solutions Architect, WSO2
If you were given the chance to become the superhero of the 21st century what would you choose? a Super Power or a Super API?
You might still argue on whether having an API is better than being able to fly. But unlike in the 1930s, our lives are heavily dependent on frameworks that support things that we use on a daily basis. Starting from your smartphone or tablet to tubes, trains and buses to systems you use at your workplace and those who you interact with during work all rely on...
by Damien Dallimore
Dev Evangelist, Splunk
IOT is the buzzword of the moment. And it is warranted. An internet of things is actually starting to exist and is growing at an exponential pace. But this brings with it new and exciting challenges.And by that I mean how are we going to capture the huge volume and variety of IOT data and turn it into something genuinely useful for the end user.So in this talk I'll put my cowboy hat on and and show a few ways in which you can use Splunk to harness all this data and create compelling IOT apps...
by Mark Vanderwiele
IBM Distinguished Engineer
This session will demonstrate how to create and deliver your next big idea at the speed of light, by performing rapid prototyping, development, and continuous delivery at the PaaS layer on IBM's Bluemix.
With the rapidly increasing number of internet-connected devices such as smart watches, personal fitness devices, connected automobiles, and automated homes, the market is ripe for innovative applications that can find new value in this Internet of Things. Now, with the affordability...
by Martin Etmajer
Technology Strategist at Dynatrace
How do you deploy a traditional on-premise solution as Software as a Service? In this talk, Martin Etmajer presents architectural decisions and challenges faced in building and maturing an orchestration service for automating and managing deployments of Dynatrace, an application monitoring solution at enterprise scale, into Amazon's AWS cloud.
The focus of this presentation will be on our experiences with Ansible, a radically simple, yet powerful, IT automation tool, whose agentless...
by Aaron Lee
Senior Systems Engineer, Solace Systems
There’s no best way to distribute data within and between applications. If you ask an architect for advice you’ll get questions in return: LAN or WAN? What size blocks of data? How many updates per second? Latency requirements? Need guaranteed delivery? This session will describe popular data movement design patterns, discuss deployment considerations that impact manageability and high availability, and illustrate the impact of such decisions with real world examples.
by Mark O’Neill
VP Innovation, Axway
Recently there have been a number of highly-publicised API security vulnerabilities, including those of Moonpig in the UK and Verizon in the US. Because APIs underpin mobile apps, they are a tempting target for attack, leading to data and privacy breaches. However, mechanisms do exist to secure APIs, such as certificates, OAuth, and API Keys. In this session, we learn how APIs can be secured in a systematic way.
Covering innovative topics
Wednesday, 4 March
Architecture Improvements
Next gen architecture, Arch over the full lifecycle, Bleeding edge tech in legacy, Cognitive biases in architecture, Evolving Architecture.
Big Data Frameworks, Architectures, and Data Science
As big data tools and architectures continue to evolve, how do you architect and select technologies that work now but are also future-proof?
DevOps and Continuous Delivery: Code Beyond the Dev Team
As infrastructure becomes as malleable as code, a unified approach from reqs to ops is needed to deliver promised breakthroughs.
Engineering Culture
The best teams and companies talk about how to create amazing engineering cultures.
Java - Not Dead Yet
Java is evolving to meet developer and business needs, from lambdas in Java 8 to built-in support for money types rumoured for Java 9.
Mind Matters at Work
How theories from neuroscience and psychology can help us better understand IT professionals and discover what really motivates them.
Thursday, 5 March
Docker, containers and application portability
People building stuff for and with containers showing why application portability is important, and what can be done with expanding ecosystems.
Evolving agile
Reflecting on and learning from successes and failures in applying agile approaches since the creation of the Agile Manifesto and exploring ways of applying agile practices to increase business value.
HTML and JS Today
The state of the art in web technologies. What is important to know and why?
Internet of Things
What software devs need to know to design and build for instrumented environments and reactive things, what new issues and questions it raises.
Modern CS in the Real World
How modern CS helps you tackle today's problems.
Reactive Architecture
How to create reactive systems is more than simply learning a framework. Thinking in a reactive way helps you to design responsive architectures.
The Go Language
The Go Language - Concurrency, Performance, Systems Programming.
Friday, 6 March
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
Get a rare look behind the scenes and get to see the architectures of the most well-known sites with the least known architectures.
Low latency trading
The 'race to zero' continues. Join us to learn about the latest tecniques being deployed to optimise order routing and execution.
Open source in finance
Financial services have changed from OS as cost-saving to a competitive weapon. See open source projects that are disrupting the finance industry.
Product Mastery
Come have fun with fellow PMs and BAs as you learn about Value Management. We'll even tell you dark tales of Snarks, Hippos and other obstacles.
Taming Microservices
Tackling the challenges of microservices in practice.
Taming Mobile
Mobile is no longer the Next Big Thing but a requirement for your business. Hear from those who have implemented successful mobile systems.