
Mon, 2 Mar




For simplicity's sake, we'll be making use of EC2 instances and the web IDE cloud9 ( These instances will be preconfigured with running hadoop nodes. If you'd like to run hadoop on your own hardware and develop with your own IDE, you'll need hardware capable of running a single node hadoop cluster alongside your IDE. A standard developer's laptop should be sufficient provided it's no more than 2 or three years old. You'll need the JDK installed and maven as well.

Tutorial: MongoDB and Hadoop [Sold out]

This tutorial is sold out.

MongoDB powers applications as an operational database and Hadoop delivers intelligence as with powerful analytical infrastructure. In this workshop students will learn how these technologies fit together with the MongoDB Connector for Hadoop. We will cover reading/writing MongoDB data using MapReduce, Pig, Hive, and Spark. We will also discuss the broader data ecosystem and operational considerations.

Justin Lee Elsewhere